Next Stop, Literally Anywhere!

Hello lovelies. Spring is supposed to be settling, but in true disappointing North Carolina fashion, it is once again cold and rainy outside. Good for you, I guess, because cold and rainy inspires me to blog.

I think I am going stir crazy.
Summer is coming up quick (though the weather doesn't seem to have gotten that memo yet), which for most of my life has meant that I would be traveling. This summer though, is uncertain. I think I'm going to be here for most of it and then possibly moving, and I want to spend the rest of my time in North Carolina enjoying it, but I also can't shake the desire to go anywhere. Anywhere but where I am right now.

Maybe bold and bright Amsterdam...

Or driving down the Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway...

Or the Kawachi Wisteria Gardens in Japan...

Or Disneyland...or maybe a return trip to the Harry Potter theme park...

But I don't need to go so far, I think. Even some of the local sights sound like a nice respite from the lil ol' Triangle. I don't even mind going on my own.
This awesomely futuristic sculpture in Charlotte...

Or Slide Rock once it's a little bit warmer...

Maybe a few days in the Blue Ridge Mountains with Fleet Foxes as my background music...

Or just some good ol' beach time (and history time - Kitty Hawk is out here!) on the Outer Banks...

I want to go anywhere and everywhere and take a thousand pictures with my obviously-not-expensive point-and-click camera and do things that make me happy.


  1. Do it! If you don't have the opportunity to go far this summer, there are a ton of cool places in NC and within the SE region you can visit. I'm envisioning road trip! ;o)

  2. I so want to travel too. I have been dying to get out of town for a while the last couple months.

  3. When I was scrolling through your post, I wanted to ask you, "Why not Disneyland?"... and then it popped up next on the list! South Carolina looks lovely (one of my close friends grew up there!), but if you want to go out of state, Disneyland is never a bad idea. :)



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