Summer Plans!

I've got a big announcement to make!

My Masters program requires us to do an 8-week internship over the summer, as I've mentioned previously. After much stressing and panicking, not all of which has subsided yet, I've booked my tickets to be in Durban, South Africa this summer!

I'm going to be working with a non-profit organization called MatCH (Maternal, Adolescent, and Child Health) doing monitoring and evaluation of some of their projects. If anyone's been to Durban or lives there or knows someone that's been there and has any advice about anything travel-related, PLEASE email me or comment. Let's be real, I could use all the help I can get.


  1. best wishes! take photos to share.

  2. Holy crap. That's so far! Good luck and have fun.

  3. Wow! That sounds exciting. I am sure you will do wonderful.


  4. OMG that sounds so fabulous and how beautiful does that place look in the picture!!! i think it's great that you get to travel and do an internship.


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