Tuesday Tunes!

Remember how Aki and I did those awesome vlogs?
Well, we're doing more!
It's going to be a Q&A but we need your help!
Ask us a question in the comments!!

Okay, and now back to our regular programming.

1. "Shake It Out" - Florence + The Machine
2. "Gravity" - Sara Bareilles
3. "Animal Love I" - Charlene Kaye
4. "The Best Day" - Atmosphere
5. "The Compromise" - The Format


  1. I have been needing some new songs to download. Thanks so much for the suggestions.

  2. since i haven't been reading your blog very long, i may ask questions you already answered. if so you can link those to me. did you love san diego? so what did you get your degree in? do you like arizona? if you could live anywhere where would you go? or maybe visit? how do you decorate your bookshelves? what are your top 10 books? your top 10 television shows? do you play a musical instrument? what are your hobbies?

  3. I haven't heard of any of these, but I definitely want to look them up now.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88


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