Tuesday Tunes!

First off, thanks for the birthday wishes from the last post! I had a great time yesterday! My lovely roomie and her sister made me an awesome cake with their mad frosting skills, haha. And we had girls night! I might have fallen promptly asleep during No Strings Attached, but really the movie was kind of weird and I was a little confused anyway. But without further ado, Tuesday Tunes! This week (with the album coming out on Friday) has been a distinctly GAGA week, but I tried to include some of the mellower tunes I've been listening to as well. Perfect, since it's raining today.

1."The Edge of Glory" - Lady Gaga
2."Hair" - Lady Gaga
3."When You Find Me" - Joshua Radin ft. Maria Taylor
4."Set Fire to the Third Bar" - Snow Patrol
5."1983" - Neon Trees

Share Your Favorites!


  1. Taylor Swift's Mean! It's not too different from any other Swift song, but I recommend you watch the video.

  2. happy belated birthday!!

    i'm really loving all of the songs on your playlist, especially the josh radin and snow patrol! we have such similar taste in music! :)


  3. Happy Birthday!!! (a little late)

    My favorite songs lately are;

    1.You'll find a way (Switch and Sinden)-Santigold
    2.Say Hey (I love you)- Michael Franti & Spearhead
    3.Turning Tables- Adele
    4.Sail- Awolnation
    5.Porcelain- Moby

  4. Two Lady Gaga songs????
    We're soul mates.

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88


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