What Really Knocked Me Out

Top: Forever 21; Shrug: (not sure...); Leggings: The Westerner boutique, India; Boots: Charlotte Russe; Shades: NYS Neon Pink Wayfarers

This is the first time I've actually posted something I wore the day I actually wore it (well, the day after even), so yay me! Also, I dabbled into some color boosting cause boy has it been overcast and/or bright these past few days. I especially like the way the wayfarers look in the last one. Well, actually, I just like the shades in general. I don't think I have ever felt so much love for one pair of sunglasses. Everything is just better with a pretty rim of pink around it. Seriously.

With finals in a week and MCATs in two, I feel entitled to walking around in my own little hot-pink-rimmed cocky ball of awesome for at least a little while. The confidence boost helps me not stress, haha. Also, I loved a lot of the input you guys had on my last post (because, admittedly, I was worried nobody was going to read it)! Thank you, all!


  1. Your last post was very fun to read. Super awesome. Well written, I might add. But these posts? The outfit ones? Hannah(my little fashion maven) LOVES them!

  2. You look gorgeous. Of course, the first thing I thought of when I saw this post?

    "You got official Starkid glasses??!?!"

  3. Love your pink wafers. Super cute, indeed :) You have got beautiful eyes too, btw!

    from © tanvii.com

  4. I love those sunglasses! Today I was wearing mine, and they have pink and yellow in them! Nice outfit!!!!! & I love that last photo!

  5. Oooo I love that crocheted sweater! Really cute shades too. ^_^


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