Fashion and Magic!

In my internet adventures the other day, I discovered the most fabulous thing EVER. College Fashion had done a series of posts on fashion inspired by Harry Potter! It included posts inspired by the characters in Deathly Hallows as well as each of the four Hogwarts houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. Basically, I'm considering trashing my entire wardrobe and just buying all the things they used, but for now, I'll just share some of my absolute favorite sets with you all.

Seriously, how chic is this? Perfectly Fleur!

So summery and fun and not even as tacky as Luna could be!

Gryffindor Casual. I am totally madly in love with that cardigan (read: will probably be buying it).

Hufflepuff Formal. Want the shoes.

Slytherin Casual. Looks so comfy!

Slytherin Business.

Slytherin Formal. I would love all the Slytherin outfits, haha.

Ravenclaw Casual.

Ravenclaw Formal. Mmm, the color of that dress.

I know that was a TON of pictures, but seriously, how awesome are these outfits? I couldn't wait to post them, I was so excited. Now, tell me, ladies (and gents), how good of an idea is it for me to sell/donate all my clothes and know, buy this stuff?


  1. Oh that last look is fabulous! Oh I wish I could pull off something like that, but I'd be tripping all over myself in those sky-high heels! I'll admire from a distance!

  2. I really want that navy fedora up there in the first set of pics!! How beautiful is that!!???



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