I bought a new planner, and at a suggestion from
Aki, I was all ready to do a post on it, but then I went on Wikipedia for an I-should-be-studying-right-now-but-it-is-imperative-that-I-immediately-learn-everything-there-is-to-learn-about-the-Costco-corporation break, and noticed the Wikimedia foundation plea to donate.
For those of you, who've been around for a while, you know that I am extremely invested in volunteering and "giving back" in my community, and have
posted about why I think it's important before. I don't know about you guys, but I use Wikipedia
literally every day. It's a resource that has been absolutely invaluable to me all through school and college and I know that some of the things I like most about it are that it's free and devoid of annoying ads. I'm always wary about what my donation is going to, because I don't have a lot of spending room in my budget, but Wikipedia's all about transparency and you can see their finances and goals and everything on the foundation website. Maybe it seems silly, but
I love Wikipedia and I want to see it free as long as possible, so I donated the little that I could.
So you know, read up on the organization, click on the picture and donate if the spirit moves you!